TV & Radio Coverage
Fine Music Radio – Fedgroup General Manager of Ventures, Warren Winchester, talks about Impact Farming
HOT 102.7 FM – Fedgroup GM of Investments, Michael Field, talks about investing.
Good Things Guy Podcast - People Before Profit: SA Company Going Above And Beyond!
Cape Talk – A boost to South Africa’s pistachio industry
Groot FM – Sheldon Friedericksen unpacks the two-pot retirement system
Kaya FM – An overview of Impact Farming’s performance and updates
Moneyweb Now – Grant Field on the performance of Impact Farming thus far
Cape Talk – Grant Field on investing in solar farming ventures
RSG Geldsake – An update on Impact Farming and the latest asset, lettuce stacks
MixFM – National Wills Week with Walter van der Merwe
Radio 2000 – Walter van der Merwe on the impact of Covid on Provident Fund contributions
CCFM – Walter van der Merwe on National Wills Week
East Coast Radio – An overview of critical illness cover – Walter van der Merwe
SAfm - Why withdrawing your retirement money early is risk
Newsday Impact Farming coverage of BB
BusinessDay TV Sheldon Friedericksen | Part 1
BusinessDay TV Sheldon Friedericksen | Part 2
SAfm - Understanding your payslip with Sheldon Friedericksen, Fedgroup CFO.
Cape Talk - Discussing payslips with Walter van der Merwe, Fedgroup Life CEO
MarkLives - Only Connect Podcast - What do CMOs want
Classic Business - Fedgroup first in Africa to sign Green Bond Pledge
Bruce Whitfield with Grant Field - The Money Show Shape Shifter
Innovative Investing In Farming by FedGroup CEO: MR Grant Field
ENCA News Hour - Solar has a bright future
PretoriaFM - Impact Farming Talk
Cape Talk - Early Breakfast - Impact Farming
KayaFM - Impact Farming Talk
ChaiFM - Avi On Business - Grant Field - Impact Farming -Part1
ChaiFM - Avi On Business - Grant Field - Impact Farming -Part2
Radio 2000 - Glenzito Superdrive - Impact Farming
Hot FM -Impact Farming
Cape Talk - Grant Field on Solar Power
LotusFM - The Afternoon Take Over - Impact Farming
Abolish member investment choice for retirement savings
Fedgroup Life CEO, Walter van der Merwe talking to Brendon Peacock, host of The Business Network Show on TimesLIVE Streaming Radio.
CNBC Africa - Power Lunch - Impact Investing
SABC Morning Live - Disruptive Farming App
Smile FM
Bay FM
Radio 2000 - Focus on the Impact Farming app
Breakfast with David O'Sullivan - David talks about alternative investments such as impact farming
CEO Grant Field talks to Cape Talk about Impact Farming
Gamification of the Fedgroup business
CNBC Africa - Power Lunch - Unpacking Alternative Investments
Listen to our CEO Grant Field explain Impact Farming on Classic FM
Future CEOs — Gareth Armstrong and Hlubi Mboya, 8 Sept – Grant Field, CEO of Fedgroup
His first business was selling stickers in primary school. This little enterprise, initiated and watched over by his father, set the tone for the next 20 years of Grant Field’s life, where he is now the CEO of Fedgroup, a multi-faceted financial institution he describes as “a tech company with the necessary licenses to play in the financial space”. Listen to this super conversation between Grant and Gareth Armstrong of Future CEOs.
Future CEOs – Featuring Brinny Mphogo
New Retirement Thinking - April 2016 | Part 1
New Retirement Thinking – April 2016 | Part 2
Retirement Feature Millennials And Retirement (7 April 2016)
Business Day TV Michael Field Interview Part 1: Investment Psychology
Business Day TV Michael Field Interview Part 2: Investment Psychology
“The Sandwich Generation”
Kura Chihota and Warren Ingram dissect the financial implications of being a member of the ”Sandwich Generation”, and Fedgroup’s Scott Field and Gerald Mwandiambira of the South African Savings Institute share their views on the matter.
Business Day TV Walter van de Merwe Interview Part 1: Insurance
Kura Chihota and Warren Ingram are joined by, Fedgroup Life’s CEO, Walter van der Merwe to discuss the dangers of being over-insured and give you tips on how to make sure your not caught off-guard.
Business Day TV Walter van de Merwe Interview Part 2: Insurance
Kura Chihota and Warren Ingram dissect the financial implications of being a member of the ”Sandwich Generation”, and Fedgroup’s Scott Field and Gerald Mwandiambira of the South African Savings Institute share their views on the matter.
How can you make compound interest work for you?
Is financial education a fallacy in this continuously complex market?
Interview with Ashraf Garda on SAFM #Age65
Business Day TV Walter van der Merwe Interview: New Retirement Thinking | Part 1
The South African retirement industry is rated among the best in the world – but the lack of transparency impedes further progress. Kura Chihota sits down with CEO of Fed Group Life, Walter van der Merwe, to find out more about who investors should trust in the pension industry.
Business Day TV Walter van der Merwe Interview: New Retirement Thinking | Part 2
Simplifying your life insurance products
Have you ever spent time trying to understand your life assurance investment and savings products but gave up because it is opaque, inflexible and expensive? Tonight, Bruce Whitfield analyses whether these products are aimed more at rewarding the salespeople and company executives than offering real value to consumers. Join Bruce and his guest Walter van der Merwe, CEO at Fedgroup Life and Warren Ingram, executive director of Galileo Capital.
Fedgroup CEO John Field on Bruce Whitfield’s The Money Show
Financial journalist Bruce Whitfield invited Fedgroup CEO John Field to be a guest on his award winning 702 show, The Money Show. In his live interview John revealed how Fedgroup’s Dear John campaign came about. He also shared the heart of Dear John and its purpose in re-shaping the financial service Industry and business community.