Flex Income Plan

Flex Income Plan

The premier income plan

This product is provided exclusively
through financial advisors

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Why Fedgroup Flex Income Plan?

Meet the innovative Fedgroup investment, the Flex Income Plan - a transformative approach to income and investing. Picture a five-year, low-volatility investment plan that combines a fixed income with unparalleled flexibility. Leverage our Life license and extensive expertise with specialist underlying assets for maximum benefits. With the security of a regulated endowment and consistent returns of a voluntary annuity, the Flex Income Plan offers peace of mind. Tailor your investment, enjoy unparalleled flexibility, and secure a worry-free future.

Fedgroup maximiser

This feature analyses all aspects of your situation and your investment to optimise its setup for you.

Early access to

You have the option to make one withdrawal for when life happens to you.

Income flexibility

Freedom to adjust your income stream, once, according to your changing needs.

Income configuration

Bespoke configuration capability giving advisors unparalleled power to help you meet your needs.

Investment overview

Minimum investment lump-sum:

R100 000

Investment term:

5 years

Calculated future

Fedgroup Flex Income Plan's income calculator is a powerful tool that empowers your financial advisor to strategically plan for a variety of financial scenarios, including options such as reclaiming your entire capital amount, securing a partial capital return, targeting specific capital amounts, achieving an escalated capital return, receiving a fixed income amount, or enjoying pure income with no capital returned.

Ready to experience the perks of the Fedgroup Flex Income Plan?

Take charge of your financial journey with one of the most competitive low-volatility, high-return investments in the market. Whether you're looking to optimise your income stream or just kicking off your path to financial independence, the Fedgroup Flex Income Plan adjusts to your needs every step of the way. If you're a high earner or have more than R100,000 to invest, you might want to see what South Africa's premier income plan has to offer. Speak to your financial advisor to dive into the details and see how it can fast-track your road to financial freedom. Your journey starts here – let's make it happen!